

Ovranette is a combined oral contraceptive pill that can be up to 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. It contains two synthetic female hormones, ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel. It can also treat heavy and painful periods.

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from £20.00

Product details

Ovranette is a combined oral contraceptive pill that is up to 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when taken correctly. It contains two synthetic female hormones, ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel.

Dr Louisa Draper

Medically reviewed by

Dr Louisa Draper

Last reviewed: 28 May 2021

Ovranette prices

Pack Size Price
30 mcg - 3 x 21 tablet(s) £20.00
30 mcg - 6 x 21 tablet(s) £25.00

How it Works

About Ovranette

What is Ovranette?

Ovranette is a combined oral contraceptive pill used to prevent pregnancy. Combined pills contain synthetic versions of the hormones Oestrogen and Progesterone. The two hormones in Ovranette are:

  • 30 micrograms ethinylestradiol (oestrogen)
  • 150 micrograms levonorgestrel (progesterone)

The hormones in Ovranette are the same in some other combined contraceptive pills like Levest, Microgynon and Rigevidon. Women mostly take Ovranette to prevent pregnancies, but it can be used as a treatment for heavy and painful periods.

How to buy Ovranette

You can safely buy Ovranette online from Superdrug Online Doctor even if you have never used the pill before. Begin your order by taking the following steps:

  • Complete our medical assessment form online
  • Our doctors will review your medical form to make sure Ovranette is safe and suitable for you
  • We will post Ovranette to your address or you can pick it up from your local Superdrug store
  • We provide a safe, confidential and convenient service at Superdrug Online Doctor. We will send your medication in discreet and unmarked packaging.

Can you get Ovranette over the counter?

No, you cannot buy Ovranette over the counter. It is a prescription only medication, which means you need a doctor to prescribe it for you before you can buy it from a pharmacy. Superdrug Online Doctor offers a discreet and confidential service where you can get a prescription for Ovranette online.

Can you get Ovranette on the NHS?

Some local NHS sexual health clinics or GP practice may offer Ovranette for free if you are eligible, and depending on their local guidelines. You will also have to first book a face to face appointment to be reviewed by one of the doctors or health professionals in the clinic before you get the pill.

Is Ovranette safe?

Yes, it’s safe for you to take Ovranette if a doctor has prescribed it for you. All medications have potential side-effects, but Ovranette is a commonly prescribed combined contraceptive pill in the UK, and it is as safe and effective as many other combined oral contraceptive pills. Some women have reported getting side effects when using combined contraceptive pills like Ovranette, although not everyone will have this experience.

How does Ovranette work?

Ovranette contains the hormones, ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel, which work to prevent pregnancy by:

  • making the mucus in your cervix (neck of the womb) thicker so it becomes difficult for sperm to travel into your womb
  • preventing your ovaries from releasing an egg each month (you stop ovulating)
  • making the lining of your womb thinner so even if an egg gets fertilised, it would not be able to implant itself in the lining of your womb

How long does Ovranette take to work?

If you start the pill between day 1 to 5 of your next cycle, you will be protected from pregnancy immediately. If you start the pill on any other day of your cycle, you will need to also use an additional contraception method like condoms, to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

How effective is Ovranette?

Ovranette is more than 99% effective in providing protection from pregnancy as long as you take it as prescribed. The effectiveness of Ovranette may reduce to about 91% if you:

  • miss your pills
  • experience vomiting or diarrhoea after taking the pill
  • take other medications which may interact negatively with the pill, making it less effective at preventing pregnancy

How to take Ovranette

Ovranette is available in packs of 21 pills, and each pill is marked with the day you should take it. You should take each pill daily for 21 days.

  • Swallow each Ovranette pill whole with water, at the same time every day
  • After taking the pill for 21 days, do not take any pills for the next 7 days. During these 7 days, you should experience a withdrawal bleed similar to your monthly period
  • After the 7-day pill free period, immediately start the next pack of 21 pills. Remember to take each pill on the day it is marked with every time.
  • As long as you take the pills as prescribed, you should be protected from pregnancy during the 7 days of taking no pills

When should I start taking Ovranette?

You can start taking Ovranette on any day of your monthly cycle, but you may not be protected immediately if you start taking it after days 1-5 of your cycle. If you do start after days 1-5, you should use an additional form of contraception, such as a condom or the coil.

Can I take Ovranette without a break?

Yes, you can take the pill without the 7-day pill break. This would mean you will not get a withdrawal bleed, if you immediately start the next pack of 21 pills. Some women choose to take the pill this way to help reduce the symptoms of having a period.

What happens if you miss an Ovranette pill?

Ovranette may be less effective in preventing pregnancy if you miss taking the pill. The patient information leaflet supplied with your pill pack provides more details on what to do if you miss one or more pills, depending on which day(s) you missed the pill(s). Here are a few key points to remember:

  • If you start a new pill pack a day late or miss one pill, take it as soon as you remember even if you have to take 2 pills on the same day
  • If you take the missed pill within 12 hours of the usual time you take the pill, and you had unprotected sex during this time, you will still be protected from pregnancy. You do not need to use emergency contraception (morning after pill). You should continue taking the rest of the pills as prescribed
  • If you miss a pill between day 14 and 21 of your 21 day pill pack, take the pill as soon as you remember and continue taking the rest of the pills as normal. After finishing the pill pack, skip the 7 day pill free break and immediately start your next pack of 21 pills
  • If you miss more than 2 pills, you may not be protected from pregnancy. Continue taking the rest of your pills as prescribed but avoid having unprotected sex for 7 days. If you do have unprotected sex, you should immediately get emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy.

Can I take Ovranette to delay my period?

Yes, taking Ovranette every day without the 7-day pill break will delay your withdrawal bleed (period). This means you finish a pack of 21 pills and immediately start a new pack the next day without taking the 7 day pill break.

Can I use Ovranette as emergency contraception?

No, do not use Ovranette as an emergency contraception. If you’re not currently using any method of contraception and have had unprotected sex, you should get emergency contraction within 5 days, to prevent pregnancy. This could be the morning after pill or the copper IUD contraception.

Ovranette side effects

Like all medications, some women taking Ovranette may experience side effects. If they do not improve over time (3 months) or they become unbearable, or if you have any severe side effect, speak to your doctor for advice. The following common side effects have been reported in some women taking Ovranette:

  • Headaches
  • Change in mood
  • Dizziness
  • Spotting or bleeding between periods
  • Stomach pain
  • Weight changes
  • Acne
  • Breast pain
  • Change in sex drive
  • Nausea and vomiting

Some uncommon/rare side effects reported in some women taking Ovranette include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Skin rash or brown skin patches
  • Change in blood pressure
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Pain during periods

The full list of all known side effects and cautions of using Ovranette can be found in the patient information leaflet supplied with your pill pack.

What should I do if I experience side effects from taking Ovranette?

As your body adjusts to the hormone changes when taking Ovranette, many of the side effects should improve, especially after the first 3 months. If they do not improve or they become unbearable, speak to your doctor for advice. They may suggest you switch to another pill with lesser side effects.

Who shouldn’t take Ovranette?

Ovranette may not be suitable for some women especially if they are in certain risk groups. If combined oral contraceptive pills like Ovranette are not suitable for you, your doctor may suggest you try the mini pill which only contains the progesterone hormone. Ovranette may not be safe for women who have any of the following risk factors:

  • Over 35 and smoke
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • High blood pressure
  • Migraines
  • Breast or ovarian cancer or if you have a family history
  • Diabetes
  • Blood clots or problems with your blood circulation
  • Heart disease or irregular pulse (atrial fibrillation)
  • Stroke
  • Previous heart attack
  • Epilepsy
  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • Liver problems

Taking Ovranette can make certain medical conditions worse. Some examples are:

  • Some types of migraines
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver problems

Ovranette may also increase your risk of developing the following conditions:

  • Blood clots - if you experience symptoms of a blood clot like difficulty breathing, chest pain, swelling or pain in your leg, seek medical attention immediately
  • Cervical cancer - the pill has been reported to reduce your risk of having cancer of the womb and ovary, but slightly increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. Speak to your doctor if you experience unexplained vaginal discharge. All women should have regular smear tests which are provided freely in the UK
  • Breast cancer - the risk of developing breast cancer on the pill is slightly raised especially for women who have a family history or who are overweight. Speak to your doctor if you notice any breast lumps or discharge from your breast
  • Bleeding between periods - this should improve after the first 3 months of taking the pill. If the bleeding doesn’t stop or becomes very heavy and painful, speak to your doctor for advice

Ovranette drug interactions

Some medications can interact negatively with Ovranette and reduce its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy. These include medicines used to treat:

  • Epilepsy
  • TB
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hepatitis C
  • Fungal and bacterial infections
  • Depression - St John’s wort herbal remedy

If you do need to take these medications, your doctor may advise you to also use additional contraceptive methods like condoms for some time while taking them or after your treatment. You should inform your doctor about all medicines you are currently taking before you start the pill. You can find the full list of all known drug interactions with Ovranette in the patient information leaflet supplied with your pill pack.

Frequently asked questions about Ovranette

Does the Ovranette pill stop periods?

If you take Ovranette continuously without a break, you should not experience the withdrawal bleed periods. This means you start each new 21 day pill pack immediately after the previous one without taking any breaks.

Does Ovranette increase your risk of blood clots?

The risk of developing blood clots when taking Ovranette and similar combined oral contraceptive pills is small. The risk increases if you already have certain risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight or a family history of blood clots or heart disease, in which case an alternative contraception is recommended.

Is it normal to bleed on Ovranette?

It is normal to experience a withdrawal bleed (like your monthly period) when on the pill. This usually happens during the 7 days you do not take the pill, after you have already taken the pill for 21 days. If you experience bleeding or spotting outside the 7-day pill free break, speak to your doctor for advice.

Does the pill Ovranette cause acne?

The Ovranette pill contains hormones which may cause some women to develop side effects of acne. Although, the pill has also been shown to improve acne in other women.

Can Ovranette cause depression?

While some women have experienced side effects of depressive symptoms on the Ovranette pill, not all women have reported this. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts, seek medical attention immediately.

Can Ovranette cause anxiety?

It is possible to develop side effects of mood changes like anxiety when taking combined contraceptive pills like Ovranette, but not everyone experiences this side effect. If you are concerned about developing anxiety, or changes in your mood when taking the pill, speak to your doctor for further advice.

Can Ovranette cause weight gain?

One of the uncommon/rare side effects of taking the Ovranette pill is your body may retain more fluid than normal, which may appear as weight gain. If you have any concerns about an unexplained change in your weight, speak to your doctor for advice.

Can Ovranette cause infertility?

The Ovranette pill is designed to regulate your body’s hormones to prevent you from getting pregnant. This is a reversible method of contraception, meaning that it does not cause infertility and would not have any impact on you getting pregnant once you stop the pill. Some women who experience fertility problems after stopping the pill could have had these problems before starting the pill. Speak to your doctor for further advice if you have any concerns about fertility after stopping the pill.

Can I drink while taking Ovranette?

There is no known interaction between drinking alcohol and taking Ovranette. However, it is advisable to stay within the UK recommended weekly drinking amount.

Can I take painkillers when taking Ovranette?

It is safe to take simple painkillers like paracetamol when on Ovranette. If you are prescribed any other type of painkillers, speak to your doctor for further advice.

Can I take Ovranette when I’m breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding, your doctor may advise against taking Ovranette or other similar combined oral contraceptive pills. They would be able to suggest alternative options of contraception.


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