Dalacin Cream

Dalacin Cream

Dalacin Cream is a vaginal cream used to treat conditions like bacterial vaginosis (BV). It's an effective treatment that quickly kills the bacteria that causes BV, stopping its symptoms and curing the condition. It usually takes 3 to 7 days to work.

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from £30.00

Product details

Dalacin Cream is a vaginal cream that is used to treat conditions like bacterial vaginosis (BV). Calacin cream kills bacteria that cause BV symptoms, like a fishy smell and vaginal discharge.

Dr Louisa Draper

Medically reviewed by

Dr Louisa Draper

Last reviewed: 21 Aug 2021

Dalacin Cream prices

Pack Size Price
20 mg/g - 40 g £30.00

How it Works

About Dalacin

What is Dalacin Cream?

Dalacin Cream is an antibiotic cream that is prescribed to treat bacterial vaginosis and is applied to the inside of the vagina. Clindamycin phosphate is an antibiotic in the cream that works by killing off bacteria that causes the infection.

What are the different types of Dalacin Cream?

There are 2 different types of Dalacin:

  1. Dalacin C contains clindamycin which is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections like bacterial vaginosis. Dalacin C can come in a cream form to treat vaginal infections, or in capsule form to treat some more serious bacterial infections. Side effects of Dalacin C include nausea (feeling sick), diarrhoea, itching, and stomach pain.
  2. Dalacin T is an antibiotic that can come as a topical lotion or solution which is used on the skin to treat acne (spots). Dalacin T contains the antibiotic clindamycin which is a commonly used kind of antibiotic for acne. Dalacin T can cause side effects in a small number of people. This can happen as your skin gets used to the treatment. Side effects can include itching, drying, skin irritation, or oily skin.

At Superdrug Online Doctor, we only prescribe Dalacin Cream for Bacterial Vaginosis.

What is Dalacin Cream used for?

Dalacin Cream is a vaginal cream that can be used inside the vagina to treat bacterial vaginosis.

How does Dalacin Cream work?

Dalacin Cream works by stopping the growth of bacteria which causes bacterial vaginosis. Dalacin Cream is inserted into the vagina which allows the antibiotic clindamycin phosphate to target bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis.

How long does it take for Dalacin Cream to work?

Dalacin Cream usually takes 3 to 7 days to treat bacterial vaginosis. If bacterial vaginosis symptoms do not go by the end of treatment, you should speak to your doctor. They will decide between giving you more of the same treatment or metronidazole. This is also effective at treating bacterial vaginosis or testing to see what is causing your symptoms.

What dose does Dalacin Cream come in?

The usual dose of Dalacin Cream is one applicator full (5 grams). Each applicator full of 5 grams of Dalacin Cream contains roughly 100mg of clindamycin phosphate. This should be placed into the vagina every night at bedtime for 7 nights. Some women may find a 3 day course to be effective, but only your doctor can decide this.

How do you know if Dalacin Cream is working?

When using Dalacin Cream, bacterial vaginosis symptoms like a fishy smell or vaginal discharge should go within 7 days. If you still have symptoms, you may need other treatments like metronidazole tablets to treat bacterial vaginosis, or a test to find out what is causing your symptoms.

How long can you use Dalacin Cream?

Dalacin Cream is normally prescribed as a 7 day treatment. Even if you believe your infection has gone, you should still keep using the cream for the full number of days prescribed by your doctor. This is to stop bacterial vaginosis from coming back.

How effective is Dalacin Cream?

Dalacin Cream is effective in treating bacterial vaginosis. As long as you use Dalacin Cream as instructed, your symptoms should go.

How to use Dalacin Cream

The applicator that comes with Dalacin Cream is made to help you correctly place the cream into the vagina. To use the applicator properly, follow these steps:

  1. Wash hands well with water and soap before using the applicator.
  2. Remove the cap from the tube of cream.
  3. Screw the open end of the applicator onto the tube. Carefully squeeze from the bottom of the tube, which will force the cream into the applicator.
  4. Unscrew the applicator and place the cap back on the tube.
  5. Lie on your back and hold the applicator tightly. Gently insert into your vagina as far as you can without causing discomfort.
  6. Still holding the barrel, push the plunger slowly until it stops, and all the cream has gone.
  7. Carefully take out the applicator from your vagina and dispose of the applicator.
  8. Wash hands well after applying the cream.

If you use more Dalacin Cream than you should, you must tell your doctor. If you or somebody else swallows Dalacin Cream, your doctor will advise you on what to do. Should you forget to use Dalacin Cream, but it is only a few hours late, you can use it straight away. If it is nearly time for your next application, you should miss out the forgotten one.

You must not double the amount but carry on using Dalacin Cream at the usual times. If you start to feel better after a couple of days of treatment, you should carry on using the cream until you have finished the course.

Where can I get Dalacin Cream?

While many women get Dalacin Cream prescribed by their GP, there are other ways you can get treatment, such as online through Superdrug Online Doctor.

Can I buy Dalacin Cream online?

Yes. You can order Dalacin Cream online through trusted sellers, like Superdrug Online Doctor. The process is simple and can be done through our website:

  1. Fill in a short questionnaire about your health.
  2. Choose your preferred treatment and pay.
  3. One of our doctors will assess your order and prescribe the right treatment.
  4. Choose between free standard delivery, next day delivery, or collect at your nearest Superdrug pharmacy.
  5. If you have any queries, you can contact a doctor through your account.

How much is Dalacin Cream?

A 5 day course of Dalacin Cream is £30.

Can you get Dalacin Cream over the counter?

No. Dalacin Cream is only available on prescription.

Side effects of Dalacin Cream

While some women get no side effects from Dalacin Cream, others get common, uncommon, and rare side effects.

The most common side effects include:

  • mild itching
  • irritation of the vagina
  • vaginal thrush infection

Uncommon side effects include:

  • headache
  • vertigo (dizziness)
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • heartburn
  • diarrhoea
  • stomach pain
  • constipation

There are some more serious side effects, although it is not known how common these are. They can include:

  • blood in your stool
  • severe diarrhoea
  • fever
  • signs of an allergic reaction, like a rash or hives

How long do the side effects of Dalacin Cream last?

If you get any of the side effects above from Dalacin Cream, some may go quicker than others. If side effects remain after treatment has finished, you should speak to your doctor straight away.

What should I do if I get side effects?

If you get common or uncommon side effects from Dalacin Cream, you must speak to your doctor straight away. If you get serious side effects, they can be life threatening, so you must visit A&E. Do not delay in seeking treatment.

Who can use Dalacin Cream

There are some conditions that can make Dalacin Cream unsuitable.

These include:

  • being allergic to clindamycin
  • inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
  • bowel inflammation set off by antibiotic treatment

There are some lifestyle choices you should stop doing while taking Dalacin Cream.

These include:

  • using a tampon
  • having sex
  • douching (cleaning out the inside of the vagina with water or other fluids)

Douching is not recommended, but when using Dalacin it may wash away the medicine and stop it from working. To avoid irritation to the vaginal area, women using Dalacin Cream should not have sex during treatment. Additionally, you should be aware that Dalacin may weaken contraceptive diaphragms and condoms.

Can you use Dalacin Cream when pregnant?

You should tell your doctor if you are pregnant or might be pregnant. Dalacin Cream can only be prescribed by a doctor if they believe it is correct to treat your infection. If you use Dalacin Cream while pregnant, you must be careful when using the applicator to insert the cream. If you plan on having a baby, make sure to ask your doctor for advice before starting this medicine.

Can you use Dalacin Cream while breastfeeding?

You should talk to your doctor if you plan to breastfeed while using Dalacin Cream. This is because the clindamycin in the cream could be passed into your breast milk. Your doctor will choose whether Dalacin Cream is right for you. If your baby shows signs of illness, you must stop breastfeeding straight away.

Can you use Dalacin Cream while on your period?

Dalacin Cream is not suitable to use during your period. This is because it may not be effective. You should either delay treatment or choose an oral treatment instead.

Medications that can interact with Dalacin Cream

If you are taking ongoing medication, some can interact with Dalacin Cream. You must tell your doctor if you are taking, have recently taken, or plan to take other medicines during treatment. Some medications that can interact with Dalacin Cream include:

  • erythromycin (an antibiotic).

Can you drink alcohol when using Dalacin Cream?

There is no ‘do not drink alcohol’ warning when using Dalacin Cream. This is because clindamycin does not affect the medicine itself. However, if you get side effects, it is advised to limit drinking alcohol as it could make symptoms worse.

Can you take paracetamol with Dalacin Cream?

Paracetamol is safe to use when taking most antibiotics, including Dalacin Cream. Paracetamol is generally a safe painkiller and rarely causes side effects. If you get side effects from Dalacin Cream like a headache, paracetamol may help stop it.


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