Tostran Gel

Tostran Gel

Tostran gel is a type of hormone replacement therapy used to treat the symptoms of low testosterone. It's an effective treatment that starts working immediately, and you should notice improvements in your symptoms within a few weeks.

In stock
from £55.00

Product details

Tostran Gel is a common form of testosterone replacement therapy that can help reduce symptoms of low testosterone. It’s an effective treatment that starts working right away, and you should start noticing its effects in just a few weeks. We can provide Tostran Gel quickly and easily on prescription if it’s a suitable treatment for you and you are already taking testosterone replacement therapy.

Superdrug Online Doctor cannot initiate testosterone treatment. We can only provide treatment if you are between 18 and 65 years old and are already prescribed this. To initiate testosterone treatment, please speak to your GP.

Dr Clair Grainger

Medically reviewed by

Dr Clair Grainger

Last reviewed: 05 Nov 2021

Tostran Gel prices

Pack Size Price
2 % w/w - 60 g £55.00

How it Works

About Tostran Gel

What is Tostran Gel?

Tostran Gel is a type of testosterone replacement therapy most suitable for adult men. It is used to treat a variety of health problems caused by low testosterone (male hypogonadism). These include:

  • tiredness
  • depressive moods
  • low sex drive
  • infertility
  • impotence
  • bone loss caused by low hormone levels

What is a Tostran Gel pump?

Tostran Gel is supplied in a canister with a pumping mechanism called a ‘Tostran Gel pump’. This is used to deliver one half-gram of gel (10mg of testosterone) each time the pump is pushed right down. Each canister of Tostran contains 60 grams of gel. Before using the pump for the first time, make sure it is ready for use and ‘primed’ as outlined in the instructions. Your doctor will have informed you how many ‘pumps’ of Tostran Gel you need as part of your treatment plan. You should always use Tostran Gel as prescribed by your doctor.

[H3] What are Testogel sachets?

Testogel Gel sachets are another form of testosterone replacement therapy that you apply as a gel to your skin. Once applied the testosterone in the gel passes through your skin into your bloodstream where it is absorbed. Testogel Gel sachets are mainly used by adult men to treat the symptoms caused by low testosterone levels.

How does Tostran Gel work?

Tostran Gel works by entering your bloodstream through your skin where it helps your body to reach and maintain normal testosterone levels.

What type of medication is it?

Tostran Gel is a form of testosterone replacement therapy. This means it helps your body replace a hormone, in this case, testosterone, that it is unable to produce enough of itself.

What are the active ingredients?

The active ingredient in Tostran Gel is testosterone, which is a type of androgen.

What causes low testosterone, and how does Tostran Gel treat it?

As you get older, the amount of testosterone in your body will drop gradually. This starts to happen naturally as you age and continues throughout your life.

There are several potential causes of low testosterone, such as:

  • infection or injury of the testes
  • chemotherapy for cancer
  • medications like opioids, steroids, and hormones used to treat prostate cancer
  • alcohol abuse
  • Kallman syndrome

Some of the symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • low sex drive
  • depressed mood
  • erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • irritability and moodiness
  • fatigue
  • difficulties with memory and concentration

Tostran Gel can help to boost testosterone levels, and potentially get rid of any symptoms of low testosterone.

Tostran Gel dosage

The normal starting dose of Tostran Gel is 3g of gel (which contains 60mg of testosterone) each day. This dose may be altered by your doctor. Youre dose should never exceed 4g of gel (80mg of testosterone) each day.

If you are unsure how much gel to use, you should always ask your doctor or pharmacist first.

How long does it take for Tostran Gel to work?

Tostran Gel usually starts working right away and you should see the effects within the first few weeks. If you do not see improvements within 3-6 months, you should speak to your doctor. You may need a different dose or need to try a different testosterone replacement therapy.

How effective is Tostran Gel?

Research shows that, in patients with testosterone deficiency, replacing testosterone can lead to an improvement in muscle mass, bone strength, erectile dysfunction and lipid and glucose profiles.

How to use Tostran Gel

You must wash your hands before with soap and water, and apply the gel onto dry, clean unbroken skin.

Where to apply Tostran Gel

Tostran Gel should be rubbed onto the abdomen (over an area of 10 by 30cm) or divided in half, with one half being rubbed onto the inside of each thigh. It is advised that you rub Tostran Gel onto your inner thighs or abdomen on alternate days.

You must avoid applying the gel on other areas of the body, especially the genital area. If you are unsure where to apply the gel, speak to your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

How often should I use Tostran Gel?

You should apply Tostran Gel once daily at roughly the same time each morning. To remind you, it may help to set an alarm. If you forget a dose, you must not take double to make up for it.

How long do I use Tostran Gel for?

Tostran Gel should be used indefinitely. If you are not seeing any benefits from using the gel, you must tell your doctor or pharmacist. Your dose may need to be adjusted, or you may be offered a different testosterone replacement therapy.

How long should I leave Tostran Gel on before showering?

If you would like to take a shower or bath, you should do so before applying Tostran Gel. Alternatively, you should wait for at least 2 hours after applying Tostran Gel, to give it time to be absorbed into your skin.

Where can I buy Tostran Gel online?

You can buy Tostran Gel online but should always make sure to buy from a CQC regulated medical provider. A doctor should always check to make sure Tostran Gel is suitable for you to take.

Can I buy Tostran Gel online?

Yes. You can buy Tostran Gel online through trusted sellers like Superdrug Online Doctor. The process is easy to follow, discreet and your gel can be delivered directly to your door. Follow the instructions below to order Tostran Gel:

  1. Answer a brief questionnaire about your health and lifestyle.
  2. Select your choice of testosterone replacement therapy and make your payment.
  3. Your order will be reviewed by one of our doctors.
  4. If your order is right for you, it can be posted directly to you.
  5. If one of our doctors believes your order is not suitable, you will be messaged with alternative options, and your payment will be refunded.

Can I get Tostran Gel over the counter?

No. Tostran Gel is only available with a prescription.

Can I get Tostran Gel on the NHS?

Yes. Tostran Gel is available on the NHS for certain conditions, such as low testosterone.

Tostran Gel side effects

  • Like with any medication, Tostran Gel can cause side effects. Very common side effects of Tostran Gel include:skin reactions at the site of application (prickling or burning sensation, rash, dryness)
  • These are normally mild side effects of Tostran Gel. However, if they are causing discomfort and last longer than a few days, you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist straight away. Common side effects of Tostran Gel include:swelling of hands or feet
  • prostate changes
  • increase in breast size
  • high blood pressure
  • a higher number of red blood cells
  • increased body hair growth
  • Other known effects linked with testosterone treatments include:yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
  • nausea
  • baldness
  • acne
  • difficulty passing urine
  • swelling of ankles
  • weight gain
  • sleep apnoea

What to do if you get Tostran Gel side effects

If you get any of the side effects above, you need to talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Is Tostran Gel right for me?

Tostran Gel may not be suitable for everyone. This is because certain conditions mean it may not be safe for you to take testosterone replacement and certain medications can interact with it.

Can women use Tostran Gel?

Though testosterone gel can be prescribed for some women who are dealing with menopausal symptoms, we currently only prescribe Tostran Gel to men.

Tostran Gel and bodybuilding

Some bodybuilders use Tostran Gel to increase testosterone levels and boost muscle mass. We do not recommend, nor do we prescribe Tostran Gel for that purpose. We only prescribe Tostran Gel to people with low testosterone levels who are established on testosterone replacement therapy.


Tostran Gel must only be used if hypogonadism has been confirmed by your doctor and you’ve had further tests to make sure this is safe for you to use . The gel has not been tested in males under the age of 18, and there is limited research on treating men over the age of 65. You should not use Tostran Gel if you:

  • are allergic to testosterone
  • have breast or prostate cancer, or suspect you may have

If either of these applies to you, you should tell your doctor. You will need to have a check-up before starting Tostran Gel and throughout treatment (normally once or twice each year). If you have severe liver, heart, or kidney disease, Tostran can cause severe complications, such as water retention in your body, and heart failure. Before using Tostran Gel, you should let your doctor or pharmacist know if you:

  • have high blood pressure (treatment may cause a rise in blood pressure)
  • have swollen feet and hands
  • are overweight
  • have a chronic lung disease (treatment may worsen sleep apnoea)
  • have diabetes (treatment may affect your response to insulin)
  • have or develop migraines or epilepsy (these conditions may worsen throughout treatment)
  • Have a raised PSA (prostate specific antigen) or any urinary symptoms (treatment can accelerate prostate cancer or benign prostate enlargement)
  • have migraines or epilepsy (treatment can worsen symptoms)
  • plan to have children in the future (treatment can suppress sperm production)

Medicines that interact with Tostran Gel

You should tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are currently taking, have recently taken, or plan to take other medicines while using Tostran Gel. These include:

  • corticosteroids
  • anticoagulants

Tostran Gel alternatives

As well as Tostran Gel, we sell Testogel 50mg/5g sachets that can boost testosterone. If you would like to test your testosterone levels without the need to visit your GP, we can also provide a testosterone test kit. This is a simple pin-prick blood test that you can take at home, before sending to our partner lab for testing.

Testogel vs Tostran Gel

We sell Testogel and Tostran Gel for men who have. While both gels share similarities in how they work, there are subtle differences that you need to be aware of.

Testogel comes in a sachet, with the recommended dose being 5g of gel (50mg of testosterone), which should be applied once daily on the arms, shoulders, or stomach. The recommended dose of Tostran Gel is 3g of gel (60mg of testosterone) which should be rubbed daily onto the abdomen or the inside of each thigh.

There are side effects that come with both gels, as well as contraindications. If you are unsure which gel is right for you, you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist first for advice.

What is Tostran Gel?

Tostran Gel is a type of testosterone replacement therapy most suitable for adult men. It is used to treat a variety of health problems caused by low testosterone (male hypogonadism). These include:

  • tiredness
  • depressive moods
  • low sex drive
  • infertility
  • impotence
  • bone loss caused by low hormone levels

What is a Tostran Gel pump?

Tostran Gel is supplied in a canister with a pumping mechanism called a ‘Tostran Gel pump’. This is used to deliver one half-gram of gel (10mg of testosterone) each time the pump is pushed right down. Each canister of Tostran contains 60 grams of gel. Before using the pump for the first time, make sure it is ready for use and ‘primed’ as outlined in the instructions. Your doctor will have informed you how many ‘pumps’ of Tostran Gel you need as part of your treatment plan. You should always use Tostran Gel as prescribed by your doctor.

[H3] What are Testogel sachets?

Testogel Gel sachets are another form of testosterone replacement therapy that you apply as a gel to your skin. Once applied the testosterone in the gel passes through your skin into your bloodstream where it is absorbed. Testogel Gel sachets are mainly used by adult men to treat the symptoms caused by low testosterone levels.


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