

Testogel is a cream used to increase your testosterone levels. It's an effective form of hormone replacement therapy that you need to apply every day to get the full effect.

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from £55.00

Product details

Testogel is a form of testosterone replacement therapy that can increase testosterone levels. You can order Testogel at Superdrug Online Doctor, without the need of having a face to face consultation.

Superdrug Online Doctor cannot initiate testosterone treatment. We can only provide treatment if you are between 18 and 65 years old and are already prescribed this. To initiate testosterone treatment, please speak to your GP.

Dr Louisa Draper

Medically reviewed by

Dr Louisa Draper

Last reviewed: 04 Apr 2022

Testogel prices

Pack Size Price
40.5 mg - 30 pack(s) £55.00

How it Works

Order Testogel Cream Online

What is Testogel?

Testogel is a medicine that contains testosterone, which is a male hormone naturally produced in the body. Testogel is used in adult men for testosterone replacement. The medicine can be used to treat a range of health problems caused by low testosterone.

What is a Testogel pump?

A Testogel pump is a canister that contains the gel. There is a pumping mechanism that delivers a certain dose of the gel with ease. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise how many pumps of gel you should apply each day.

What are Testogel sachets?

Testogel sachets are individual sachets that contain the gel. When you open a sachet, the entire contents must be taken out of the sachet. You should apply the gel immediately onto the skin and allow it to dry for at least 3 to 5 minutes before dressing. Make sure you wash your hands with soap and water once you have applied the gel.

How does Testogel work?

Testogel works by allowing natural testosterone levels to return to normal. Once you use the gel, this can relieve the symptoms of low testosterone. Testogel is used for home replacement for men that are unable to produce enough testosterone on their own. The active ingredient in Testogel is testosterone.

What causes low testosterone and how does Testogel treat it?

Testosterone is a vital hormone in men. It is responsible for the typical male characteristics, including public, facial, and body hair. It is also responsible for many other functions in the body of both men and women, and can affect mood, behaviour, and even muscles and bones. Low testosterone can cause:

  • poor erections
  • a drop in sex drive
  • low sperm count

Several factors can cause low testosterone, such as:

  • testicular infection or injury
  • chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer
  • some medications, like painkillers or corticosteroids
  • chronic diseases, like kidney and liver disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes
  • genetic conditions (Kallmann syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome)

Testogel is a testosterone replacement therapy that allows natural testosterone levels to return to normal.

Testogel dosage

The recommended dose when using the sachets is 5g of Testogel which should be applied once each day at roughly the same time. It is advised to use the gel in the morning. The daily dose may be altered by your doctor or pharmacist. However, it should never exceed 10g of Testogel each day.

How long does it take for Testogel to work?

It will differ from person to person in terms of how long Testogel takes to improve testosterone levels. You will only see a change in testosterone levels whilst you are taking the gel - it does not cure the low levels permanently. So you should keep using it only stop after discussion with your doctor or pharmacist.

How effective is Testogel?

It is impossible to predict how effective Testogel is. This is because each man is different. However, many men find improvements in their energy levels, quality of erections, and sex drive when using testosterone treatment therapy. When compared to other testosterone replacement therapy like skin patches and injections, you may find it more convenient to use Testogel.

How to use Testogel

It is recommended that you apply 1 sachet of Testogel every day. Make sure that you spread a thin layer of the gel onto dry, clean, healthy skin.

Where to apply Testogel

You can apply Testogel on your arms, shoulders, or stomach. You must not apply Testogel to the genital areas (penis and testes). This is because the high alcohol content in the gel could cause local irritation. If you are not sure where to apply Testogel, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

How often should I use Testogel?

You should use Testogel once each day. Try and use the gel at the same time each day so you do not forget. It may be useful to set an alarm to remind you.

How long do I use Testogel for?

You should use Testogel every day, for as long as your doctor recommends. If you do not feel any benefit from the gel after several months, your dose may need to be altered. Only your doctor or pharmacist can advise you on what dose to take, so never use more Testogel than advised.

How long should I leave Testogel on before showering?

It is advised that you leave 6 hours before applying Testogel before showering, swimming, or bathing. If you shower in the morning, you should apply the gel after doing this. Make sure your skin has cooled down and dry before applying the gel.

Where can I buy Testogel online?

You can buy Testogel online through trusted sellers like Superdrug Online Doctor.

Can I buy Testogel online?

Yes. You can order Testogel through Superdrug Online Doctor. The process is quick and simple:

  1. Fill in a brief questionnaire about your lifestyle and health.
  2. Order your choice of treatment and make your payment.
  3. Your order will be reviewed by one of our doctors.
  4. If the order is suitable for you, your treatment can be posted directly to your door.
  5. If your order is not right for you, one of our doctors will contact you via your account with other options.

Can I get Testogel over the counter?

No, you cannot buy Testogel in the UK without a prescription.

Can I get Testogel on the NHS?

Testogel is a testosterone replacement therapy that is available on the NHS for certain conditions. These include low testosterone.

Testogel side effects

Like with any medicine you take, Testogel can cause side effects. However, not everyone will get them. It is important to be aware of side effects, so you know what to look out for. Common side effects of Testogel include: dry and irritated skin

  • acne
  • headaches
  • hair loss
  • changes to your prostate gland
  • dizziness
  • development of enlarged or tender breasts
  • increased blood pressure
  • changes to your blood cells and lipid levels

Other side effects may include:

  • weight gain
  • muscular gain
  • depression
  • breathing problems during sleep
  • nervousness
  • jaundice and other liver changes

For a full list of possible side effects, you should read the patient leaflet that comes with your medication.

What to do if you get Testogel side effects

If you get any of the side effects above and you are concerned, it is best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist. You can also report side effects via the Yellow Card Scheme. Should you get a severe skin reaction, you will need to see your doctor. They will review your symptoms and stop treatment if necessary or alter the daily dose. You may be using too much Testogel if you have:

  • frequent or prolonged erections
  • irritability
  • weight gain

Is Testogel right for me?

Testogel may not be suitable for everyone. This is because certain medications and conditions can interact with Testogel, which can make it potentially unsafe, or less effective. Your doctor or pharmacist will give more advice if you are unsure whether Testogel is right for you. Our doctors will review the information you provide on our online questionnaire, and approve Testogel if it is safe for you to take.

Can women use Testogel?

No, testogel is licensed for use in men only. We only prescribe to men.

Testogel and bodybuilding

Some bodybuilders use Testogel to boost testosterone levels. This helps to increase muscle mass. At Superdrug Online Doctor, we do not advise or prescribe Testogel for this purpose. Instead, we only prescribe Testogel to those with low testosterone levels.


Before using Testogel, you should talk to your doctor if you:

  • have epilepsy or migraines (Testogel may make the condition worse)
  • have or are being treated for high blood pressure (testosterone may cause an increase in blood pressure)
  • have severe liver, heart, or kidney disease (treatment with Testogel may cause severe complications like water retention in your body)
  • have cancer that affects your bones (Testogel may increase levels of calcium in your urine or blood)
  • have breathing difficulties (breathing problems during sleep have been reported when using Testogel)
  • have risk factors for a blood clot, including: previous blood clots in you or a close family member; smoking; obesity; any form of cancer, or if you are immobile

Testogel is not recommended for children. This is because no clinical information is available for boys aged 18 and under. Women should not use Testogel too as there is a chance of developing male characteristics. During close and long periods of skin contact, testosterone can be transferred to another person unless you have covered the treated area. This could show signs of increased testosterone, like more hair on the body and face. Make sure you wear clothes that cover the application area when using Testogel. It is essential that a pregnant woman does not come into contact with the gel - read the leaflet for more information about how to avoid this.

Medications that interact with Testogel

You should tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are currently taking, have recently taken, or plan to take other medicines while using Testogel. Medicines in particular include:

  • oral anticoagulants (used to thin the blood)
  • corticosteroids
  • insulin

If you take any of these medicines, they could lead to your dose of Testogel being adjusted.

Testogel alternatives

As well as Testogel, there are other alternatives that you may wish to take to boost testosterone levels.

Alternative prescription treatments to Testogel

Alternative prescription treatments to Testogel include Tostran Gel 2%. There is also a testosterone test kit that we sell which you can use to check your levels.

Tostran vs Testogel

Tostran and Testogel are 2 products we offer for testosterone replacement therapy. There are similarities and differences between the two. For example, while both gels can be used to increase testosterone, Testogel should be applied on either your arms, shoulders, or stomach. Tostran should be applied onto the abdomen or inner thighs. Whichever gel you choose, they must not be used on the genital area. If you are not sure which gel to buy, you can talk to one of our doctors for advice.


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