What do you wish you knew prior to your menopause experience?
Many women learn about menopause as it’s happening and they’re experiencing change they may not have expected or knew about. Here, the women we spoke to explain what they wish they knew prior.
Jacqueline Carson, clinical hypnotherapist who has experienced menopause
“Everything I think. Prior to menopause, I used to think it was only about hot flushes, and that women put on weight. It was very sudden and an onslaught of symptoms that I appeared to have no influence over. It was almost like I was changing into a different person and that it happened overnight.”
Phyllis Woodfine, osteopath and currently experiencing menopause
“I wish that I known more about the many and varied ways it could affect you - hot flushes and some brain fog I knew - aching joints, anxiety, lacking in confidence, sleep problems just a few of the ones I didn't know 18/20 years ago!”
Kate Usher, Menopause coach and gender equality consultant
“Pretty much everything. Before my menopause started to reveal itself, I had heard of four symptoms: hot flushes, mood swings, weight gain and insomnia. I had also heard it could affect my sex life but had no idea how. To be honest I thought it would be similar to a bad period and would last no longer than a year. Eight years and 30 symptoms later, I know how naïve and ill-informed I was.”
Jennifer Young, microbiologist, nutritional therapist, and associate member of the Royal Society of Medicine
“If you had asked me at the beginning of our menopause work, I’d have said that I wish women knew that menopause existed and that it might not be plain sailing. As things have progressed with our pioneering research - I wish more women knew that there is help to hand and that this too will pass.”
What our Superdrug experts say…
As more and more women speak out about their personal experiences of the menopause, these valuable insights can help others get a better idea of what to expect. More resources are also becoming readily available which can help women access knowledge and information about their hormonal health. If you want to find out more about the menopause check out the Women’s Health Concern or NHS websites.