Viagra vs Cialis vs Levitra: Which is the Best for Erectile Dysfunction?

Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are all branded medications used to help you get and keep an erection. They all have different active ingredients and have different advantages and disadvantages, so choosing between them can be tricky.

Below are some comparisons between these treatments and a guide to help you choose the right erectile dysfunction medication.

Three boxes, Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis on a green background
Dr Babak Ashrafi Clinical Lead for Service Development

Medically reviewed by

Dr Babak Ashrafi

Last reviewed: 17 Dec 2020

Comparing Viagra, Cialis and Levitra

Which pill is the most effective?

All of these medications are about as effective as each other.

Even though some of the dosages for certain treatments appear higher than other treatments, that does not mean that some treatments are stronger than the others.

For each of these medications, the chance of it working is slightly higher as the dosage goes up, but so is the risk of side effects. We recommend starting on the standard dose and only changing to a higher one if the standard dose didn’t work and you didn’t get any serious side effects. You should only change doses with the help of a doctor.

You may need to try more than one tablet to find one that works for you. Never take more than one erectile dysfunction tablet of any kind within 24 hours. Also, don’t switch medications or change the dose of your treatment without the help of a doctor.

Which pill is the most cost effective?

Out of Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra, Viagra works out the cheapest, if you order from us.

Other erectile dysfunction medications may be cheaper:

  • If you have sex on up to 3 different days a week, then the most cost effective treatment for you could be Sildenafil. We offer Sildenafil from just £15.00 for 4x 50mg tablets, or £2.79 per pill if you buy 28x 25mg or 50mg tablets.
  • If you have sex on more than 3 different days a week, then the most cost effective treatment might be Cialis Daily. At £75.00 for 28 pills it works out as £2.68 per pill, but you have to take one every day, so they might not last you as long if you’re not having sex that often.

Which tablet has the least side effects?

Less than 2% of men who use Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra will get side effects. The dose of the medication you’re taking will also affect how likely you are to get side effects.

Lower dosages of medications are less likely to give you side effects. We normally recommend you try standard doses first to see if you get any side effects before thinking about switching to lower dosages. Never change dosages without the help of a doctor.

Which tablet works the fastest?

Cialis works the fastest out of Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. Cialis starts working in just 30 minutes, while Viagra and Levitra can take up to an hour to start working after you take it.

If you don’t want to take a pill every time you want to have sex, you can try Cialis Daily. Cialis Daily is a pill that you take every day, and helps you get an erection whenever you want to have sex.

Which tablet lasts the longest?

Cialis is the longest lasting tablet out of them all. Cialis can last up to 36 hours, which is why it’s sometimes known as the ‘weekend’ pill. Viagra and Levitra can last up to 6 hours.

Cialis Daily is always in effect. As long as you keep taking your daily tablet, Cialis Daily will keep working.

Just because the effect of these pills can last for hours does not mean that you will have an erection for that long. These medications can help you get and keep an erection when you are aroused, but they will not give you an erection for the full time that they are effective

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Cialis vs Viagra

Does Cialis or Viagra give harder erections?

It’s difficult to say which one will give you a harder erection. Both medications are effective for most men who try them, and can give you an erection that’s hard enough to have sex with. The only way to know which one will help you get a harder erection is to try both separately and compare.

Is Cialis better than Viagra overall?

Cialis and Viagra are about as effective as each other, but work in slightly different ways. There are different benefits to using each pill, so it’s not possible to say either medication is clearly better than the other as that will depend on what works best for you.

Cialis might be right for you if:

  • You want a treatment that lasts longer
  • You want a treatment that works faster
  • You want the option to take your treatment daily instead of before sex

Viagra might be right for you if:

  • You want the most cost effective treatment to take before sex
  • You want to order it over the counter in a pharmacy

Can you take Cialis and Viagra together?

No, it’s not safe to take Cialis and Viagra together. You should only ever take one erectile dysfunction pill in a 24 hour period. Taking more than one pill for erectile dysfunction at the same time can cause serious side effects, such as permanent damage to your penis.

Levitra vs Viagra

Levitra and Viagra are very similar erectile dysfunction medications: they both start working within an hour of taking them, and they both last for 4-6 hours. However, Levitra can be less effective for people who try it.

Choosing between Viagra and Levitra

If you’re not sure which to choose, remember they are both effective and safe as long as a doctor approves treatment for you. We don’t recommend one over the other.

You may want to choose Viagra if:

  • You want a higher chance of success
  • You want a cheaper treatment
  • You want to buy treatment over the counter in a pharmacy

You want want to choose Levitra if:

  • You’ve tried Viagra and it didn’t work for you, or you got side effects you couldn’t put up with
  • You have diabetes, as Levitra is more effective for men with diabetes than Viagra

Can you take Levitra and Viagra together?

No, it’s not safe to take Viagra and Levitra at the same time. Taking more than one erectile dysfunction tablet in a 24 hour period, regardless of the dose, can cause the medications to interact or have unintended side effects. This can increase your risk of side effects, such as low blood pressure, or cause damage to your penis.

Levitra vs Cialis

Levitra and Cialis have a similar level of effectiveness, so you may need to try both to find the one which works best for you. Cialis has some benefits, as it starts working faster and lasts for longer. Cialis is also available in daily dosages (2.5mg and 5mg), while Levitra is only available as a tablet you take before you want to have sex.

Choosing between Levitra and Cialis

You may want to try Cialis if:

  • You want a longer-lasting medication
  • You want a treatment that works faster
  • You don’t want to have to plan to take your medication before sex

You may want to try Levitra if:

  • You’ve tried Cialis and it didn’t work or you got side effects you couldn’t put up with

Can you take Cialis and Levitra together?

No, it’s not safe to take Cialis and Levitra together. Taking both medications within a 24 hour period can increase your risk of side effects, and cause damage to your penis.

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