Order Chlamydia Treatment From Superdrug

Antibiotic medication for fast, effective treatment of Chlamydia

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    Highly effective 1-week course of the only recommended first-line antibiotic treatment for chlamydia

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    No face-to-face appointments. Free discreet home delivery or collection from a Superdrug pharmacy in just 2 hours after. 

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    Not sure if you’ve caught chlamydia? Order our easy-to-use home test and get results in 72 hours

Available from £17.99

What is the treatment?

We offer a highly effective 1-week course of antibiotics for treating chlamydia and is the only recommended first-line treatment for chlamydia according to the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. Available at a low cost and the same antibiotic you would get from a sexual health clinic.

How does it work?

The treatment option we offer is an antibiotic. It works by containing the infection. This stops it from spreading so that your body's immune system can fight it off.

What happens if left untreated?

Chlamydia is very easy to treat with antibiotics, but it can cause very serious health problems if left untreated. In women this includes pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to infertility. In men Chlamydia can also result in infertility, swollen testicles (orchitis), and reactive arthritis (inflammation of the joints).

How our chlamydia service works