

Viagra is the most popular erectile dysfunction treatment available. It's a tablet you take before sex that helps you get and maintain an erection. It works within 30-60 minutes and is effective for around 74% of men who take it.

You can use your Superdrug Online Doctor prescription to buy Viagra at any pharmacy in Ireland.

In stock
from €23.00

Product details

Viagra is the most popular tablet for erectile dysfunction. Viagra helps you get an erection by increasing the blood flow to your penis, starts working within 30 minutes, and is effective for 74% of men. The active ingredient in Viagra is Sildenafil, which is available as a generic medication.

Viagra Prices

Pack Size Price
25 mg - 4 tablet(s) €23.00
25 mg - 8 tablet(s) €23.00
25 mg - 12 tablet(s) €23.00
50 mg - 4 tablet(s) €23.00
50 mg - 8 tablet(s) €23.00
50 mg - 12 tablet(s) €23.00
50 mg - 24 tablet(s) €23.00
100 mg - 4 tablet(s) €23.00
100 mg - 8 tablet(s) €23.00
100 mg - 12 tablet(s) €23.00
100 mg - 24 tablet(s) €23.00

How it Works

More Information

What Is Viagra?

  • Viagra is a prescription-only medication that is used to treat erectile dysfunction.
  • It makes it easier for you to get or keep an erection by increasing blood flow to your penis.
  • Viagra is a type of medication called a PDE-5 inhibitor, and the active ingredient is Sildenafil.
  • Viagra a branded medication, and can only be manufactured by the company Pfizer.

Viagra comes in 3 different dosages, 50mg, 25mg, and 100mg.

Viagra 50mg

If you’re wondering how much to take for your first time, this is the standard starting dose for most people. Viagra 50mg is the most popular choice, and is effective for most men who try it. We recommend you order 50mg if you’ve never tried Viagra before.

Viagra 25mg

This is the lowest dose of Viagra. Viagra 25mg might be the best option if you tried 50mg and it worked, but you also got some non-serious side effects that you'd like to avoid. 25mg could still work for you, and it has a lower chance of causing side effects.

Viagra 100mg

This is the highest dose of Viagra. If you’ve tried 50mg and you didn’t see the effects you wanted, as long as you didn’t have serious side effects you could try 100mg. 100mg can work for some people where 50mg doesn’t, but it has a higher risk of side effects.

Read on for more information on the

different dosages of Viagra

, and which one is right for you.

Over the counter Viagra

You can’t buy Viagra over the counter, but you can buy Viagra Connect in most Irish pharmacies. Viagra Connect has the same active ingredient, Sildenafil, and works the same way, but it’s only available in a 50mg dose. Pharmacists will use the same assessment we use to check if Viagra Connect is right for you. You can also buy a prescription for

Viagra Connect online from Superdrug Online Doctor.

Generic Viagra

Sildenafil is the generic version of Viagra and it’s also the name for the active ingredient in both. Since Sildenafil isn’t a brand like Viagra, anyone can make and sell it which means it’s usually cheaper.

How does Viagra work?

Viagra relaxes your muscles to improve blood flow to the penis. This means when you get aroused it’s then easier for you to get and stay hard. Viagra only works if you’re turned on and will not make you an erection by itself. It also doesn’t improve low sex drive.

How to take Viagra

  • Before taking Viagra, read the patient information leaflet that comes with your medication
  • Take Viagra one hour before you want to have sex
  • Swallow your tablet whole, with water if needed
  • Do not take Viagra more than once every 24 hours
  • You may need to take Viagra on up to 8 times (on different days) before you see the full effect

For the best results:

How long does Viagra take to work?

Viagra takes about 30 to 60 mins to start working, although it’s recommended you take it 1 hour before you want to have sex. If you want a medication that works faster, Spedra only takes around 15 mins to start working. Or, you could try Cialis Daily which is always working so there’s no wait time.

How long does Viagra last?

Viagra lasts for around 4 to 6 hours after you take it. Your age, diet, and health can all impact how long Viagra lasts. If you want a longer lasting medication, you could try Cialis.

Does Viagra make you last longer in bed?

Viagra can only help you last longer in bed if you’re stopping because you’ve lost your erection. If you’re stopping because you’ve ejaculated faster than you wanted, you might want to get premature ejaculation treatment.

Does Viagra make erections bigger?

Viagra can only make your erection bigger if you are having trouble getting fully erect. Viagra doesn’t increase your maximum erection size. There is no medication that makes your maximum erection size bigger. Only surgery can increase the overall size of the penis.

Can women take Viagra?

Viagra treatment for women is not approved in the UK. It is illegal to sell Viagra for women and there is no proof that Viagra can improve female sexual dysfunction. There are some medications available in other countries for treating low sex drive in women, but not in the UK.

Viagra alternatives

If you’re not sure if Viagra is right for you, there are other erectile dysfunction treatments to choose from, including:

  • Other tablets like Cialis, Levitra, and Spedra
  • Creams like Vitaros
  • Non-medical treatments, like counselling, exercises, lifestyle changes, or penis pumps

See our page on Viagra Alternatives for more information.

Viagra vs Cialis

Viagra vs Cialis

Effective for... 74% of users 60-70% of users

Our Trustpilot rating 4.6 out of 5 4.6 out of 5 rating 8.5 8.7

Active Ingredient Sildenafil Tadalafil

Over the counter version Viagra Connect No

Available in a daily dosage?No Yes - Cialis Daily

How fast do they work? Up to an hour 30 mins

How long do they last? 4 to 6 hours Up to 36 hours

If you need help choosing:

  • Both are about as effective as each other – even though Viagra has higher dosage numbers, that doesn’t mean it’s stronger overall
  • If you want a longer-lasting medication, you might want to choose Cialis or Cialis Daily
  • If you don’t want to have to plan to take your medication before sex, you might want to choose Cialis Daily

Viagra Side Effects

There are side effects that can be caused by taking Viagra, these become more likely as the dosage increases. Many people who take Viagra have no side effects.

Common Viagra side effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Feeling sick
  • Dizziness
  • Indigestion
  • Nosebleed
  • Blocked nose
  • Backache

Uncommon Viagra side effects include:

  • The common cold
  • Blurred vision
  • Rash
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Fever
  • Trouble breathing
  • Urinary tract infection

Rare Viagra side effects include:

  • Chest pains
  • Prolonged or painful erections
  • Sudden loss of vision
  • Serious skin reaction
  • Fits (seizures)

If you get any of the rare side effects, stop taking Viagra and call 999 straight away.

For more information, read the patient leaflet that comes with Viagra.

Viagra FAQs

Who is Viagra for?

Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction, a common condition in men. Most men experience difficulties getting an erection at some stage in their lives, which can have physical or psychological causes. Possible underlying causes of erectile dysfunction can include physical conditions such as diabetes or psychological factors such as anxiety and stress.

You should be cautious if you have other health problems, especially if you’re already taking medication for another condition. For example, Viagra shouldn’t be taken with a few medications to treat heart and lung conditions.

What is it like before and after Viagra?

Before taking Viagra, you may have trouble maintaining an erection during sex, which may result in issues to do with your sex life. Once prescribed, take Viagra up to 4 hours before you want to have sex. For most people, it takes 30 to 60 minutes for Viagra to work, and it can continue to work for around 4 hours. This causes the blood vessels to relax, allowing blood to more easily flow to the penis, which should help you to get and keep an erection more easily.

What if Viagra doesn’t work?

Viagra is effective for most men, but not all of them. If you are taking 25mg or 50mg of Viagra, and it has not worked on several separate occasions, then you may want to try a higher dose, if approved by your doctor. If you try Viagra 100mg and it does not work for you, then Viagra may not be right for you and you could try another erectile dysfunction medication.

Are there any alternatives to Viagra?

There are several alternative treatments you can take if you have erectile dysfunction. Other similar medicines include Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil and Avanafil, which you’ll still need a prescription to get. Some men find that lifestyle changes, such as exercise or stopping smoking, can also be helpful in overcoming erectile dysfunction.

Does Viagra make you last longer?

Viagra can help you to get and maintain an erection, so you can stay harder for longer if you find it difficult to keep an erection. However, Viagra does not delay ejaculation so it will not make you last longer if you feel you are orgasming too quickly.

Can You Take Viagra With Alcohol?

Drinking alcohol may reduce your ability to get an erection, making Viagra less effective, and can also make the side effects of Viagra worse. While alcohol is often used by some people to overcome nerves and sexual anxiety, drinking can actually make it harder to get an erection - and can make Viagra less effective. Alcohol can also worsen the side effects of Viagra, even when drinking in moderation. Read what our doctors have to say about the risks of taking Viagra with alcohol.

Can you get Viagra over the counter?

As Viagra is a prescription-only medication, you can’t buy Viagra over the counter. However, there is a different type of Viagra, called Viagra Connect, that you can buy over the counter without a prescription. Read more to find out how to buy Viagra over the counter.

Can women take Viagra?

No, women can’t take Viagra. It is only licensed for male use in Ireland, but in places such as the USA there is “female Viagra” available. In actual fact the term “female Viagra” is misleading, as the drug works in a completely different way, and is used more to increase sexual desire and satisfaction in women. For more information on how Viagra affects women, read our doctors advice about what happens when women take Viagra.

Does herbal Viagra work?

Herbal Viagra is a name given to a number of products, such as Horny Goat Weed, that are sold as an alternative to Viagra. However, no herbal treatments are currently recommended or licensed to treat erectile dysfunction, and these products can actually cause more harm than good.

Can I take Viagra with other erectile dysfunction medications?

No, you should never combine Viagra with another erectile dysfunction medication. Erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra, Levita, and Cialis all work in the same way, so taking them together could cause serious side effects, or even cause an overdose.

How often can I take Viagra?

You should only take Viagra once per day, regardless of whether you’re taking a 25mg tablet or a 100mg tablet. This is because the dosage that your doctor has prescribed to you is the one they have recommended for you personally, and without a doctor’s assessment then it may not be safe for you to take more than that. In addition, some of these drugs last for many hours (or even days) in your bloodstream and so by taking more than one dose, the effects could build up in your system, leading to unexpected side effects. 100mg is the maximum amount of Viagra you can take safely in one day.

Is it safe to buy Viagra online?

It is safe to be assessed for a prescription for Viagra online by trusted and regulated services like Superdrug Online Doctor. Our doctors are registered with the Irish Medical Council and will make sure that Viagra is safe for you to use before prescribing this for you.

It is not safe to buy Viagra tablets online - Viagra is one of the most counterfeited medicines in the world, and fake Viagra has been known to contain ingredients such as methamphetamine, printer ink, or drywall. Any site selling Viagra tablets online in Ireland is likely to be selling unsafe medication - the only safe way to get Viagra online is to have an assessment for a prescription online and redeem this in a pharmacy. Prescription medications are not allowed to be sold on the internet in Ireland.

Does Viagra expire?

Viagra, like most medications, has a shelf life and can become less effective if it’s left unused for too long. You should check the expiry date on your own packet, and should be stored below 30°C and out of direct sunlight.

You should aim to use your medication by the expiration date printed on the box of your medication. If your Viagra is past the expiration date, you should take it to a pharmacy for them to dispose of, and buy a new box of Viagra as it may not be safe to take it.

Why do I need to get a prescription?

Viagra is a prescription-only medication, which means that a doctor has to assess you to make sure it’s safe to take it. This is because it may react with certain medications, or may not be suitable if you have certain conditions. There is a type of Viagra called Viagra Connect which is available without a prescription from a doctor, but you will still need to go through an assessment with a pharmacist before you can buy it.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

There are many different factors that can cause erectile dysfunction, from psychological factors such as stress or anxiety, to physical problems with your circulation or nervous system. Often, there are several factors causing erectile dysfunction, not just a single cause. For more information, read our doctors advice on the causes of erectile dysfunction.

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