Can You Mix Alcohol and Viagra?

It’s common for people to want to have a drink or two to relax. This is especially true if you’re anxious about having sex. The problem is that those drinks could be causing your erection problems while also making it harder for Viagra to work. Find out below how much alcohol is safe to drink with Viagra.

Can Viagra be taken with alcohol?

Drinking can make it harder to get an erection, even if you’ve taken Viagra or other ED medications, so it’s recommended that you don’t mix alcohol and ED medications. It’s also important to note that you should always drink in moderation, as this can improve your overall ability to get and maintain an erection.

What if I do drink and take Viagra?

Alcohol and Viagra (or similar products like Sildenafil) can interact and cause unintended side effects. Both alcohol and Viagra lower your blood pressure. If you mix them, you might feel dizzy, light-headed, get heart palpitations, or faint.

These reactions are not only potentially dangerous but can also make it more difficult to get hard.

What does alcohol do to erections?

Alcohol makes it harder for you to get an erection because it decreases the blood that stays within your penis. This is why alcohol abuse can be a cause of erectile dysfunction.

The more alcohol you drink, the harder it will be to achieve an erection. The best way to fight these effects is to not drink or to drink in moderation. 

If you do have a drink, make sure you stay within the recommended daily amounts, although even small amounts of alcohol can cause some effects.

Does alcohol cause long-term erectile dysfunction?

Excessive use of alcohol can lead to long-term erectile dysfunction. Alcohol abuse can also lead to other health conditions that could make your erectile problems even more severe and difficult to treat.

There are conditions such as heart disease, cancer, depression, and high blood pressure that make the treatment of erectile dysfunction harder. Also, by weakening your immune system, alcohol can potentially make you more susceptible to catching sexually transmitted infections such as herpes or chlamydia.

Does alcohol affect other treatments like Cialis or Sildenafil?

Other PDE5-inhibitors such as Cialis work in a very similar way to Viagra. They are also similar in the way they react to alcohol consumption. 

Regardless of the dosage or active ingredient in the erectile dysfunction treatment you choose, drinking alcohol will not have a positive effect on your ability to get and maintain an erection.

What if alcohol helps me relax or get in the mood?

If you get anxious about performing sexually and have a drink to ease the nerves, you should be aware that the same drink that’s “calming you” can be one of the things making it difficult for you to get hard. 

There are other ways to either relax or get in the mood. Try meditation or exercising to wind down. You can also consider spending some time on foreplay as a way to get you and your partner in the mood.

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