STI Screen For Women

STI Screen For Women

Discreetly check for a wide range of STIs from your home. Collect a few swab samples and a pinprick blood test before sending them to our lab. We'll provide a detailed results report and tell you what to do next within 72 hours.

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from €177.00

Product details

We offer two different STI test kits which are specifically designed for women.

One is suitable for a basic STI screen, covering chlamydia and gonorrhea of the genitals, throat and anus as well as syphilis and HIV.

The full STI screen for women checks for the same STIs as the basic one. In addition, it checks for hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and several other less common infections, such as trichomoniasis and gardnerella.

Both test kits are easy to use and include swabs for the throat, anus and vagina as well as a finger prick blood test.

Once you have taken your samples, you need to send them to the laboratory, using the self-addressed envelope included in your test kit. Your test results become available within 2-3 days of your sample reaching the lab.

Basic STI screen: €177

Full STI screen: €344

STI Test Kits for Women Prices

Pack Size Price
1 test kit(s) €177.00
1 test kit(s) €344.00

How it Works

About the Female STI Screen

Who should get tested?

You should consider getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases if you have had unprotected sex. Testing is particularly important if you have had changed sexual partners. The basic and full female test kits are recommended if you have had unprotected anal or oral sex.

Which STI's does the basic female STI screen check for?

The basic STI screen checks for the following STIs:

  • gonorrhea (vaginal, anal and oral)
  • chlamydia (vaginal, anal and oral)
  • HIV
  • syphilis

Which STIs does the full female STI screen check for?

The full STI screen checks for the following STIs:

  • gonorrhea (vaginal, anal and oral)
  • chlamydia (vaginal, anal and oral)
  • HIV
  • syphilis
  • hepatitis B
  • hepatitis C

It also checks for the following infections:

  • trichomoniasis
  • ureaplasma
  • mycoplasma
  • gardnerella
  • herpes simplex type 1 & 2

Gonorrhea and Chlamydia

Gonorrhea and chlamydia are very common sexually transmitted diseases which are caused by bacteria. Both can remain symptomless and need to be treated with antibiotics. If left untreated, they can cause complications such as infertility.


HIV is a sexually transmitted disease which can lead to AIDS, especially if it is not diagnosed and treated during the early stages of infection. HIV can remain symptomless for several years. Testing is vital in order to identify the infection early on and start antiretroviral treatment to keep the virus under control.


Although syphilis is not a very common STI, infection rates have been increasing in recent years. Syphilis symptoms can be difficult to spot, allowing the illness to progress before it is diagnosed. It is important to treat syphilis during the early stages of the disease, as syphilis can cause damage to your inner organs, including the brain, if it is not treated.


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is an infection which can damage your liver. It can be contracted when using shared needles or when having unprotected sex with a partner who carries the virus. Hepatitis B usually causes symptoms during the first few months after infection. Although the infection usually clears within a few months, some patients develop chronic hepatitis B. If you’ve recently received a hepatitis B vaccination, you should wait 8 weeks before taking this test. You may get a false positive result if you take this test sooner.

Hepatitis C

Like hepatitis B, hepatitis C can be contracted when sharing needles or when having unprotected anal, oral or vaginal sex. It normally causes symptoms within the first few weeks or months after infection. However, the symptoms tend to be rather nonspecific and may resemble those a cold or flu would cause. Hepatitis C can cause complications such as liver damage, liver failure and it increases your risk of liver cancer.

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