HIV Test Kit

HIV Test Kit

If you're worried about HIV, you can get answers discreetly without leaving your home. Order a home test, send a sample to our lab, and we'll get you answers in 72 hours. We provide a complete results report and tell you what to do next.

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from €48.00

Product details

If you want to check whether you have contracted, order our home HIV test kit.

You will need to take a small blood sample and then send it back to our partner laboratory for analysis.

You will receive your test kit within 3-5 days of placing your order. We will contact you with your results within 3-5 days of the lab receiving your sample.

This is a convenient, discreet way of testing for HIV without having to visit your GP or local sexual health clinic.

If you think you may have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours please visit your local GUM clinic immediately.

HIV Test Kit Prices

Pack Size Price
1 test kit(s) €48.00

How it Works

More Information

How the Test Works

The test looks for HIV 1 and 2. It is 99.8% accurate at spotting the HIV infection if you have contracted it more than 6 weeks ago.

We send the test out to you in the post. It won’t say anywhere on the outside of the parcel what it is, our packaging is very discrete. You use the lancet in the test to prick the end of your finger and then squeeze some blood into the collection tube. You then send this back to our laboratory in a pre-paid envelope.

We will contact you with your results within 3-5 days of the lab receiving your sample. You can message one of our doctors with any questions after your order.

How is HIV Transmitted

HIV is passed on through (in order of the highest concentration of the virus):

  • blood (including menstrual blood);
  • semen;
  • vaginal secretions;and
  • breast milk.

HIV can be passed on during unprotected sexual contact. Unprotected vaginal and anal sex are considered high risk. It is possible to transmit HIV through oral sex (mouth to penis, mouth to vagina), but this is rare and so considered to be low risk. Just under half of all new HIV infections in 2011 were passed on through heterosexual sex.

HIV can be passed on as a result of direct blood contact (including blood transfusions or sharing needles). This is also very high risk.

Finally, HIV can be passed from a mother to baby (before or at birth or through breast milk).

It is not possible to get HIV through contact with saliva, tears, faeces, urine or sweat.

What if I Don't Have Symptoms?

One in five people who contract HIV have no symptoms. The only way to know whether you have it is to do a test. Most people get some flu-like symptoms between two and six weeks after they are exposed to the virus. This happens because your immune system tries to fight the virus. It can last for up to a month, but then you might not have any further symptoms until much later on. The test is the only way to find out for sure. The earlier you get tested, the better.

What Happens if I Test Positive?

A positive test result doesn’t mean for certain that you are HIV+. There is a slight chance that you are not, because the test has a small margin of error. So if you do test positive, you’ll need to have a confirmation test. If the confirmation test is also positive, the doctor or nurse who gives you your result will then put you in touch with a specialist. He or she will discuss what your options are for treatment and talk to you about the infection and what stage it is at. You’ll also be given the names of some support groups who can help you.

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