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Weight Loss

Request a prescription for safe and effective weight loss tablets.

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About this service

Weight loss tablets are a slimming treatment which helps you lose weight when combined with a low calorie diet. The tablets work by blocking some of the fat you eat from being digested.

Order weight loss tablets online - our online doctor service is safe, fast and discreet. We offer prescriptions for the following two medications:

  • Generic Orlistat
  • Xenical

Both medications contain the active ingredient orlistat and work in the same way. To place your order, fill in our brief medical questionnaire and choose your preferred treatment. Our doctor will review your order and check whether slimming tablets are suitable for you.

Your Superdrug Online Doctor prescription allows you to buy your weight loss treatment at any pharmacy in Ireland.

Please note: This service is currently unavailable.

How it Works

About Weight Loss

Who can use weight loss tablets?

Weight loss tablets can help you lose weight but they are not suitable for everyone. Treatments for obesity are usually prescribed to people with a BMI of over 30. In some cases they are also prescribed to patients who have a BMI of at least 28 and who suffer from a chronic disease such as diabetes or a cardiovascular problem.

In order to benefit from taking slimming tablets you also need to follow a low calorie diet. Taking the tablets alone is unlikely to result in significant weight loss.

How to use weight loss tablets

Take one 120mg capsule of Xenical or orlistat with each of your three main meals per day. You can take it before, during or up to one hour after the meal.

While using slimming tablets you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet. In order to benefit from the treatment, avoid snacking between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The tablets work by preventing your body from absorbing all of the fat you consume. If you are having a meal which doesn’t contain any fat, you do not need to take a tablet.

After 12 weeks of treatment, your doctor will assess the success of your treatment. If you have lost less than 5% of your body weight at the 12 week mark, you will be advised to stop taking orlistat. If you have lost at least 5% of your body weight but have not achieved a healthy weight yet, you may be able to continue taking slimming tablets.

Losing weight

Being overweight is a very common condition and according to the Health Survey for England, it affects 62.1% of all adults in the UK. Being overweight is associated with a number of health problems, such as heart problems, high blood pressure and asthma. Achieving a healthy weight improves your general health and helps you reduce your risk of complications later in life.

Eating a healthy diet

In order to lose weight, you need to eat a healthy diet. A balanced diet should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, proteins such as meat, fish or lentils, and some starchy or high-fibre foods such as brown rice. You should choose wholemeal bread and pasta and limit your intake of sugar and fatty foods. Beware of soft drinks and fruit juice, as they often contain a large amount of sugar.

It is estimated that a woman needs on average 2000 calories a day while men should eat 2500 calories. How many calories you actually need depends on a number of factors, such as your height and whether you are physically active.

In order to lose weight, it is recommended that you reduce your calorie intake to 600 calories less than you need.

What is the BMI?

Your body mass index (BMI) indicates whether you are a healthy weight for your height.

The BMI is calculated in the following way:

Divide your weight in kg by your height in metres, then divide the answer by your height again.

Example: If you are 1.80m tall and weigh 80kg your BMI calculates as follows:

80kg (weight) divided by 1.80m (height) = 44.44

44.4 divided by 1.80m (height) = 24.7

The BMI for a person who weighs 80kg and is 1.80m tall is 24.7.

What the BMI means

BMI below 18.5

If your BMI lies below 18.5 then you are underweight. You should speak to your GP, who can give you guidance on how to achieve a healthy weight.

BMI between 18.5-24.9

A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 means that you have a healthy weight for your height. You should aim to maintain your weight and avoid weight gain by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

BMI score of 25 or more

If your BMI is higher than 25 you may be overweight. You should aim to lose weight and make lifestyle changes to prevent that you continue to gain weight.

Please note that the BMI is not entirely accurate and people who have an unusual amount of muscle (for example athletes) sometime have a higher BMI without being overweight.

BMI of 30 or more

Having a BMI of 30 or higher is classified as being obese. Being obese increases your risk of certain illnesses and you should lose weight to protect your health and prevent complications.

Side Effects

Like most medications, weight loss tablets can cause side effects in some patients. Possible side effects include headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, wind and oily stools. For a list of all known side effects please read the patient leaflet which comes with your medication. You can reduce your risk of side effects which affect your digestion by avoiding meals which are high in fat.

Alternative Treatments

There are many different ways you can lose weight. While some people use a combination of a healthy low calorie diet and slimming pills, others just go on a diet. Eating a healthy diet and exercising several times a week is an important part of achieving a healthy weight and many people successfully lose weight this way.

Some people also find it helpful to join a slimming club and lose weight with a group of people who are in a similar situation.

Severe obesity is sometimes treated with procedures known as bariatric surgery. Surgery is only carried out in patients who have not responded to weight loss programmes in the past and who have a BMI of over 35.

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