Viagra vs Sildenafil: What’s the difference?

What is generic Viagra?

You’ve probably heard of Viagra. It is the most known, and commonly prescribed erectile dysfunction medication in the market. But have you heard of Sildenafil?

Sildenafil is the generic version of Viagra, and in this article, we’ll go through the core similarities and differences that could potentially make a difference when it comes time to pick a treatment course.

Viagra and Sildenafil are both PDE-5 inhibitors. But the similarities don’t end there, as they both share an almost identical chemical composition.

Sildenafil is the generic version of Viagra. Meaning that the former is the active ingredient in the latter. Sildenafil came into the market in 2011 after Pfizer’s (the company that produces Viagra) patent ended, making it possible for other drug manufacturers to sell the same product with different branding.

Both Sildenafil and Viagra are prescription-only medication. Pfizer launched Viagra Connect in a few countries like the UK, an over-the-counter version of Viagra, but it still isn’t available to purchase in Ireland.

What are the differences between Viagra and Sildenafil?

Essentially, the differences between the two pills are branding, packaging, and price.

Pfizer manufactures and sells Viagra, the diamond-shaped blue pill that is highly recognisable anywhere. Sildenafil is currently made by a lot of different pharmaceutical companies but all of them are regulated by The Health Products Regulatory Authority.

Besides branding and packaging, the biggest difference between Viagra and other Sildenafil tablets is price. Viagra is more expensive than Sildenafil.

It’s also easier to get a prescription for Sildenafil through the HSE than it is for Viagra. This is because of the added price of the branded medication.

Which one is best for me?

Clinically, both medications work in exactly the same way, and they come in the same dosages. But you can go with the branded version if you’re more comfortable with that.

On the other hand, if price is a concern, then Sildenafil is probably the best choice for you.

Can Sildenafil cause more side effects than Viagra?

Because the dosages and chemical compounds used on the medications are the same, the likelihood of getting side effects with both drugs is also the same.

If you do get side effects with Viagra or Sildenafil, consider lowering your dosage. If that doesn’t work, consider other treatments for erectile dysfunction. You should only do this after discussion with your doctor though.

Are there other options?

There are other ED medications out there besides Sildenafil or Viagra. There are Cialis and its generic version, Tadalafil. There’s also Spedra and Levitra.

Cialis and Tadalafil are the longer lasting ED medications. There’s also a daily dosage commonly used if you intend on having sex more than 3 times a week.

Spedra is usually the fastest acting PDE-5 inhibitor in the list, acting in as little as 15 minutes after being taken.

Levitra is another option that has been shown to work particularly well for men with diabetes.

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