
Superdrug Online Doctor is a site operated by Health Bridge Limited. Health Bridge Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 07392646. The registered office and the main trading address is Superdrug Online Doctor, Health Bridge Limited, 46 Essex Road, London, N1 8LN , United Kingdom.

Health Bridge Limited is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the regulator of NHS and private medical providers, under registration number 1-201500907 and as such we comply with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (

Superdrug Doctors

All of our doctors are registered with and regulated by the Irish Medical Council and General Medical Council and as such comply with the Good Medical Practice Guidelines. Our Medical Director Dr Zenon Andreou is registered with number 6149061 with the GMC. These registration details can be viewed on the GMC website. All of our doctors are experienced GPs. They are trained in providing remote consultations and issuing prescription medicine online. The doctors are individually responsible for the prescriptions they issue.

About these regulations

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 sets out the standards under which providers can offer medical services remotely. The Care Quality Commission supervises that these standards are complied with. In particular,

  • Superdrug Online Doctor provides individual, evidence-based, transparent and safe consultations.
  • Superdrug Online Doctor adheres to professional standards and keeps you as a patient informed.
  • Superdrug Online Doctor keeps your details confidential and secure.
  • Superdrug Online Doctor provides access to your records in your electronic patient record.
  • Superdrug Online Doctor surveys patient satisfaction and offers complaints and feedback procedures.

Problems with non-regulated websites

Non-regulated websites may supply fake, inactive or even toxic medicine or medicines produced in substandard conditions. This medicine may be ineffective or dangerous. People receiving prescription medicine should be given accurate medical information. Prescription medicine should only be supplied after checks for contraindications have been carried out. A person taking prescription medicine should know what they are taking and should know the medicine is right for them.

Advertising Policy

Superdrug Online Doctor does not host or receive funding from advertising.

Patient Reviews